
Residential home lighting

Safely powering your home for the 21st century

Wiring a home with 21st century conveniences is a complicated task that George's Electric has done many times.

Home electrician

Energy efficient home electric

More so than ever you have the ability to have a truly energy efficient and powerful home electrical system when you use George's Electric. Whether you are building a new home or renovating your current home you can rely on our expertise to get you wired up right.

From small jobs like changing out a light switch to full home wiring, you will appreciate our attention to detail, safety, and affordability. A big part of affordability is providing you with the energy efficient options to save you money on your power bill.

Residential services offered

  • New home wiring: Small additions to custom homes.
  • Remodeling: Add a single light, renovate an entire room, or an entire house.
  • Breaker upgrades: Upgrading your glass fuses to a reliable circuit breaker system rarely takes more than one day.
  • Septic pumps and sump pumps: We wire more than 100 septic pumping systems yearly, including pressurized systems, pump-to-gravity systems, grinder pumps and many others. We also wire sump pumps and wells.
  • Generators: You can rely on us as your generator dealer and installer.
  • Manufactured homes: Affordable and efficient manufactured home wiring from our experienced team.
  • Hot tubs and spas: Prepare for your new hot tub or upgrade your current system to be more efficient.

Call to get great service at an affordable price with our home electric team.

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